Ask a question
Type or use voice input to ask Rhea a question.
Rhea is a smart AI assistant that adapts to different industries and can research, summarize, alert, and aid in decision-making.
Ask questions about your data or use our integrated datasets for fast summaries, visuals, reports, and alerts.
Type or use voice input to ask Rhea a question.
Use handy keyboard shortcuts to speed up your search.
Rhea will visualize data points as tables or graphs.
Ask Rhea to alert you when specific conditions are satisfied.
Simply connect your database or upload your enterprise files and use Rhea to gain insights.
Upload your enterprise files or folders and manage them in Rhea.
Ask Rhea to find relevant insights within your enterprise data
When responding to questions, Rhea can reference a specific file and location.
Collect all important data in one place, customize it for better reports, and export it to your favorite file format like PDF.
Easily drag and drop data, messages, or widgets into reports.
Format your report using a rich text editor.
Ask Rhea to monitor changes in specific data points or visuals in real-time or on a scheduled basis.
Rhea is pre-trained with industry lenses for specialized research.
We keep it simple: